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  • Oliver Mills

Hot Off The Press!

If you would like a special signed copy of my new book, please message me. Just a tiny $5.00 each plus postage. Alternatively, you can buy a book or two from the publisher, Ginninderra Press. Huge thanks to Stephen and Brenda at Ginninderra for publishing Demolishing the Oats. I've been working on this little book for a couple of years now. The poems are little pieces of my life collected from journal entries. Massive thanks also to the Richard Llewellyn Deaf and Disability Arts Trust for providing a grant that enabled me to complete the manuscript with the assistance of my super supportive mum, Kerri, and support workers - Cassie, Annie, Shannon, Lisa, and poetry mentor Sharon. Thanks too to my art mentors Hans and Jock for their assistance with the artworks that appear in the book.

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